Winter Driving – Keeping you safe!

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Here at Tickenham Garage we see a rise in the number of breakdowns during the winter months. Road conditions can be more challenging and snow and ice can be hazardous to drivers.

During the colder months, it’s important to ensure that you and your car are prepared. Batteries are more likely to be faulty during colder weather, check out last month’s magazine for information about keeping your battery performance at its best.

It is important to ensure that your tyres have a reasonable tread during the winter months. We recommend a minimum of 3m tread to help with the grip on the road.  You can change your tyres to winter tyres, these are made from an alternative rubber that gives better grip with the change in weather and conditions on the road.

Antifreeze can save your engine from breaking down on those cold mornings. It protects the engine and often will stay working as low as -30 degrees, we don’t get that in England so you will be fine!

Ensure your visibility is clear, make sure your windscreen is clear inside and out and keep any snow / dirt away from the windscreen to maintain visibility.  If you have snow on your roof, be sure to remove it so it doesn’t fall onto your windscreen. Wiper blades should be in good condition to ensure that your screen is kept clean and clear. Here at Tickenham Garage we can provide you with an additive to help reduce the risk of the screen wash freezing.

Finally, stay safe on the roads this winter, and we wish all our readers and customers a fabulous festive season.